154.Roger Reece KIBBE
A.K.A.: "I-5 Killer" Classification: Serial killer Characteristics: Rape Number of victims: 7 + Date of murders: 1977 / 1986 - 1987 Date of birth: 1941 Victims profile: Lou Ellen Burleigh, 21 / Lora Heedrick, 20 / Barbara Ann Scott, 29 / Stephanie Brown, 19 / Charmaine Sabrah, 26 / Katherine Kelly Quinones, 25 / Darcie Frackenpohl, 17 Method of murder: Strangulation Location: California, USA Status: Sentenced to six consecutive life sentences on November 4, 2009 Roger Kibbe was a middle-aged, hen-pecked husband with a lengthy record, including two stints in prison for non-violent crimes. In 1985 he began a serial killing spree that earned him the nickname “I-5 strangler.” Kibbe stalked the freeways south of Sacramento late at night looking for young women with car trouble. After offering to help, they were abducted, driven to remote locations and strangled ...