Lauren Kate - Fallen Series (3 ebooks) + Fallen in Love

eBooks : Romance : English

From Wikipedia:

Fallen is a 2009 young adult fantasy novel written by Lauren Kate. The novel revolves around a young girl named Lucinda Price "Luce" who is sent to Sword and Cross Reform School in Savannah, Georgia, after she is accused of murdering a boy by starting a fire. At the reform school, she meets Daniel, a handsome boy whom she feels inexplicably drawn to, and believes she has met before. The book revolves mostly around the love triangle between Luce, Daniel, and Cam, another boy enrolled at Sword and Cross.

Torment is a 2010 young adult fantasy novel from the Fallen series written by Lauren Kate. Torment, the sequel to Fallen, continues the story of Lucinda "Luce" Price, a 17-year-old girl who is in love with Daniel, a fallen angel. In Fallen, Daniel reveals to Luce that their love is damned: she is condemned to fall in love with Daniel, die, and be reborn over and over until their mysterious curse is broken. The seemingly endless cycle of their romance is followed avidly by heavenly and demonic forces, who seem to have something big riding on its outcome.

Passion is a 2011 young adult fantasy novel from the Fallen series written by Lauren Kate. Passion, the sequel to Torment, continues the story of Lucinda Price (Luce) who, at the end of the previous book, decides to find out more about her past lives by stepping through an Announcer, ignoring Daniel's plea to stop. Daniel, Luce's boyfriend and fallen angel, decides to follow her, promising to find and rescue her. Before Luce and Daniel met at Sword and Cross, before they fought the Immortals, they had already lived many lives. And so Luce, desperate to unlock the curse that condemns their love, must revisit her past incarnations in order to understand her fate. Each century, each life, holds a different clue. But Daniel is chasing her throughout the centuries before she has a chance to rewrite history.

Fallen in Love gives fans the much-talked about but never-revealed stories of Fallen characters as they intertwine with the epic love story of Luce and Daniel.

What makes your heart race a little faster? Just in time for Valentine's Day, it's Fallen in Love, four wholly original new stories collected in a new novel set in the Middle Ages by Lauren Kate.

The stories include:
Love Where You Least Expect It: The Valentine of Shelby and Miles;
Love Lessons: The Valentine of Roland;
Burning Love: The Valentine of Arriane; and
Endless Love: The Valentine of Daniel and Lucinda.


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